
About the project


About the project

Learn more about the project using the sections below:


What is the Local Nature Recovery Strategy?

The Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS) is a new spatial strategy to improve nature in Surrey aiming to:

  • Reconnect as much of the local habitat as possible to create larger, better managed, and more joined up areas for nature. 
  • Ensure improved management of existing designated sites to provide better habitat for key species. 
  • Where possible ensure these areas also provide other environmental benefits such as: flood alleviation, water storage, carbon sequestration (soaking up carbon from the atmosphere),shelter, pollution filters
  • To better engage the community with nature rich spaces for health and wellbeing.

Surrey County Council have been appointed as the Responsible Authority, working with a wide range of stakeholders to ensure the LNRS is produced, formally adopted, and reviewed. 

You can find out more about the Local Nature Recovery Strategy by watching our launch webinar:

Who are we?

Our partnership is made up of our Steering Board plus several 'working groups', that are responsible for taking our work forward in particular areas. These groups are made up of individuals and organisations which have extensive expertise in ecology and habitat recovery. 

The following organisations are members of the steering group: 

  • Surrey County Council 
  • Surrey Nature Partnership 
  • Surrey Wildlife Trust 
  • Surrey Biodiversity Information Centre 
  • Guildford Borough Council (representing Local Planning Authorities in Surrey) 
  • Natural England 
  • Forestry Commission 
  • Environment Agency 
  • National Farmers Union (NFU)
  • Country Land and Business Association (CLA) 
  • Surrey Hills National Landscape 
  • Hampton Estate  

The delivery of the strategy will be managed by three separate working groups.  

A Stakeholder Engagement and Design Group – that will ensure everyone who is interested has a chance to participate. This will be led by Surrey Nature Partnership. 

A Data and Mapping Technical Group – responsible for gathering together all of the information about habitats to ensure sound decisions and realistic priorities are put forward. This will be led by the Surrey Nature Recovery Lead. 

A Species Technical Group – leading the way on creating a plan that works for all different species groups and some 1,500-plus different types of plants, animals, birds, insects and fungi, some incredibly scare, who make Surrey their home. This will be led by Surrey Wildlife Trust. 

How are we funding the strategy?

The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) are providing each Responsible Authority with additional funding to support the development of Local Nature Recovery Strategies. 

Surrey County Council and Surrey Nature Recovery partner organisations are also supporting the gathering of local evidence to support the strategy. 

We are working closely with our partners across Surrey, including eleven district and borough councils and Natural England to make sure we develop a solid plan that is in line with DEFRA's funding policy.


Find out how you can shape our plan!

We want everyone in Surrey talking about nature recovery. Your input and feedback is essential when shaping the plans to restore habitats and help protect species across Surrey.

There are many ways to get involved, start by taking our online survey to share your views.

Your comments will be taken into consideration when we create the priorities and actions for Surrey.

Over the next few months, we will be hosting events where you can come along and meet the team in person to learn more about the plan. 

Subscribe on the home page for news updates when they happen.


Join a workshop

We are holding a series of round table events throughout May, June and July 2024. At these events, we will be delving into more depth about the strategy, discovering some of the science behind the decisions we taken and work shopping solutions. We want to discuss nature recovery in Surrey, what it should look like and how we get there. 

We want to have a wide representation from across the Surrey community so we hear as many diverse views as possible. 

We are looking for representation from:

  • farmers, growers and foresters 
  • non-farming business-landowners/ managers such as developers, golf courses, landscaped gardens, estates of businesses like NHS, hotels, theme parks etc. 
  • the community such as parish council reps, countryside management partnerships and community leaders
  • people and nature - the voice of people who bring individuals and communities together with nature for health and wellbeing
  • landscape and habitat - the voice of peopel arleady working on specific habitats and landscapes
  • young people - the voice of 16 - 30 year olds through educational settings and young people's groups and organisations

Please follow the links in the table below to secure your spot!




Start time

End time 

Aimed At people/groups who:

Link to Book


23rd May 

Non-Farming Business that own land 

The Drift Golf Club, Effingham 



Are Non farming Landowners




30th May 


Merrist Wood



Manage nature in the community



6th June 

Farmers, Growers and Foresters 

Albury Vineyard 



Are Farmers, Growers and Foresters 



11th June

Nature and People 

Merrist Wood 



Bringing people and nature together for health & wellbeing




25th June 

Landscapes and Habitat

Merrist Wood 



Already managing landscape & habitat



2nd July 

Farmers, Growers and Foresters 

Lingfield Community Centre 



Are Farmers, Growers and Foresters



11th July 

Young People 

Zero Carbon Guildford 



Aged 16-30 and represent the next generation
