Local Nature Recovery Strategy logoLocal Nature Recovery Strategy


  • Evidence gathering

    May 2024




    September 2024

    Data collection through questionnaires, workshops, conversations and research, with groups and individuals
  • Analyse results

    September 2024




    October 2024

    Data analysed and a shortlist of the key priorities for nature recovery drawn up
  • Draft Local Nature Recovery Strategy produced

    October 2024




    January 2025

    Priorities written into a draft strategy document
  • Draft strategy approved

    January 2025




    February 2025

    Surrey County Council Cabinet Members approve the draft Local Nature Recovery Strategy for Formal Consultation
  • Formal consultation on draft strategy

    February 2025




    March 2025

    Formal public consultation on draft strategy, to fulfill statutory obligations
  • Finalise strategy

    April 2025




    May 2025

    Consultation responses considered and Local Nature Recovery Strategy finalised
  • Strategy adopted

    July 2025




    August 2025

    Surrey County Council Cabinet Members approve final strategy and it is adopted for use